It consists of the study of the variables that affect the performance of a particular piece of equipment or an operation in general in order to generate solid proposals to improve the performance of a piece of equipment or the productivity of a process.
De este modo se facilita la tarea de identificar qué tipo de respuestas pueden ocurrir frente a determinadas situaciones, evitando la exposición al riesgo para las personas, equipos, estructuras, medio ambiente, etc.
- Failure analysis of mechanical and structural equipment.
- Analysis of fluid dynamic processes, gases and ventilation.
- Material handling analysis.
- Fatigue and durability analysis.
- Crack propagation analysis.
- Mechanical and structural vibration analysis.
- Equipment and process optimization.
- Trade off analysis, feasibility and pre-feasibility studies.
- Stress analysis of critical areas for inspection and maintenance.
- Wear analysis for equipment service time extension.
- Evaluation and analysis of thermal processes and equipment (fusion reactors, conversion, cooling equipment, etc).
- Analysis of circuits and networks for handling liquids, gases, pulps and tailings.