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César Sepúlveda Ovalle
Experience & Activities
Structural Civil Engineer and master’s in engineering sciences from the Catholic University of Chile with more than 12 years of experience on structural and mechanical projects in large mining, specialized in numeric methods on structural analysis arena through finite element method (FEM) and on material handling through discrete element method (DEM).
He has been involved in projects developed for several mininig companies, such as Codelco Andina, Codelco El Teniente, Codelco Ministro Hales, Los Pelambres, Antucoya, Escondida, Valle Central, among others.
Specialist in simulation using numerical methods applied to mechanical design, linear and non-linear structural applied to structural systems and material handling, with extensive experience dedicated mainly to the design and optimization of mining equipment, failure analysis in mining, simulation of dry area chutes, gravel, stacking, conveyor belts, SAG mills, sifters, crushers, among others.