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Juan Ignacio Osses Márquez
Experience & Activities
Mechanical Civil Engineer and master’s in engineering sciences, mention in Mechanics from the University of Chile with more than 10 years of experience in the development of projects for mining. He has vast experience in the coordination of specialized teams for engineering projects and research and development (R&D), development of mechanical designs supported with simulation tools, development of consulting for mining based on simulation tools: computational fluid dynamics (CFD), discrete elements (DEM) and finite element analysis (FEA).
Regarding his specific experience, it is worth mentioning the design through modeling of complex fluid dynamic systems, using software based on the finite volume and finite difference method. Likewise, he has developed projects in tailings and pulp transport, smelter gas trains and particulate material containment systems.
In addition to the above, he has experience in design through modeling of mining equipment, using software based on the discrete element method. In this area, he has developed projects involving chutes, conveyor belts, SAG mills, screens, crushers, among others.